4 days of not posting a thing. Unacceptable. However, I don't have anything to rant about, and I know those posts are the most entertaining and I haven't finished the latest book I'm doing a review for. So I propose a question.
What book (or series) has you going back to it over and over again? A fictional world in which you begin to miss the characters, their story, their emotions and you must go back to it in order to feel satisfied.
My list of books is exactly that; a list. I don't have just one, like I don't have just one friend.
First and foremost, I always find myself missing the lives and relationship of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele. I simply love and adore them. I have read the Fifty Shades series around 7 or 8 times now (I've lost track), but I more or less skip over the steamy sex scenes now just to immerse myself in their love and journey to finding themselves.
Second would be The Perfect Game by J. Sterling. Jack Carter and Cassie Andrews has a love and a need for each other that compares to none other that I have read before. Having read it only 5 times, I cry every time for them even though I know what is to come. It is also one of the few books that gets me to literally smile from ear to ear. I own it electronically and in paperback. I couldn't resist.
Coming in third is James Patterson's Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas. Yes, this is a book I cry for every time, but for different reasons. It is an incredibly powerful and beautiful story about a man, his wife, and their son. I have lost track how many times I have read that book over the years, but it will always be a book I read when I feel life start to bring me down or become mundane. This book makes me look at the things I take for granted and be grateful for the life I have.
And for number four, I'm going to cheat here. It isn't just one book or series by this author that I can't help but read over and over again. I have yet to read all of Abbie Glines books. Yet, the ones I have read and do own get read several times each. Those books are: The Vincent Boys, The Vincent Brothers, Breathe, Just for Now, Fallen Too Far, Never Too Far, Twisted Perfection, Existence, Predestined, and Ceaseless. Picking one though, I have read Fallen Too Far the most. Needless to say, I have gotten several of my friends addicted to her stories as well.
Other great books that I have read several times and most definitely worth reading are
Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire
The Hush, Hush Saga by Becca Fitzpatrick
The Significance Saga by Shelly Crane
The Edge of Never by J.A. Redmerski
So, whose fictional lives do you love the most? I always love to be introduced to new ones :D